Saturday, June 14, 2008

Eternal Content?

Nicholas Negroponte claims that anything that isn't digitized will disintegrate but that bits last forever. Bits do not fade. They do not mold. They are not an appetizing meal for insects or mice. Although nearly everyone expresses doubt that bits are so permanent, Negroponte makes a good case given the direction in which technology is going. So, in 200 years, where will our descendants find information about us? In musty attic trunks full of moldy paper? Or on the 23rd century version of the Internet?

Believing that it will be the latter, I am laboring to make sure our data is in bit form and is properly staged to be propelled into an endless future.

Given current technology, blogging seems to be a useful tool for generating this content although I detect that it is time limited. Photos and videos show signs of disappearing as takes steps to limit their own storage requirements. It is necessary to transfer these blogs to a site that will likely cost money in the near future.

But first things first. Get the content, then make it permanent. That said, I will also avail myself of this medium for content generation. But not daily.

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